Double Segment Bifocals Trifocals Occupational Glasses

Occupational Bifocal and Trifocals Glasses
Professional bifocal and trifocal glasses are specialized multifocal lenses designed for a specific task, job, or hobby. They are intended for people - usually over 40 years of age - who may have presbyopia due to age factor, it is a condition in which the lens of the eye weakens, and it becomes hard to see objects up close. They differ from conventional multifocal glasses in that the enlarged areas of magnification, allowing you to see near and intermediate objects, are usually larger and located in a different area of the lens according to the needs of the task at hand.
Professional bifocals and trifocals are designed nor for everyday use but are intended for specific needs. Here are some examples:
Double-D bifocals: for reading and overhead work
The Double-D Bifocal or Trifocal glasses that consists of a flat-top D-shaped bifocal at the bottom of the lens and an inverted flat top proximal segment at the top of the lens. The rest of the lens consists of distance correction. Car service and repair people can benefit from the Double-D professional bifocals. This incredible design allows occupational workers to see well up close, both when working and when working with the chassis of the vehicle on a lift. Postal clerks and others who read documents and may need to store them may also find this lens useful in their work.
E-D trifocal Glasses: when you need to see everywhere
Unlike Double-D lenses, which have most of the distance vision lenses, E-D trifocal lenses focus on intermediate vision with a field for far vision at the top and near vision at the bottom. They are best occupational glasses for people who work at arm's length most of the time, such as in front of a TV screen, laptops and multiple computers, but often need to look far or close to read or write something. The "E" in the stands for "Executive Style," which represents the separation between the upper range vision lens and the lower intermediate vision lens that goes through the lens. The letter "D" in Trifocal glasses means the glasses with the fact that the near part at the bottom of the lens is shaped like the letter "D".
Office or Computer Glasses
Multifocal occupational lenses designed for office work have a larger portion with an intermediate lens for viewing the screen, TV and a smaller area for limited distance vision. You may have progressive or trifocal lenses that also provide near vision.
Or you can try "office" progressive glasses, which have a wider and larger intermediate zone for use on a computer and a smaller zone for distance vision. This occupational safety eyewear provides more comfortable vision when working at a desk and computer task, while still providing adequate distance vision to see people across the room. However, due to the limited area of professional, progressive glasses, they are not suitable for tasks and driving that require a wide field of view from a distance.
Prescription golf glasses
Yes, there are even customized glasses for golf players! Golfers have to see a wide range of distances as they play and need prescription golf glasses, from their scorecard to their tee-ball, to a hole farther away to even out their drive. In these prescription golf glasses, the near segment is small and fits on the outer corner of one lens to provide near short-term vision, but not interfere with distance play. Typically right-handed golfers have the lens on the right side and vice versa.
Personalized Glasses
Standard multifocal glasses can be redesigned to adapt to specific hobbies and tasks by simply changing the shape, position or size of the many segments. Many people over 40 can have advantages from having many pairs of multifocal glasses to provide optimal vision for a variety of tasks or hobbies that they do in everyday life. Please note that professional lenses are designed specifically for the hobby or task for which they are designed and should not be worn all the time, especially while travelling or driving.
Polarized Glasses
There are two types of glare; reflected glare and uncomfortable glare. Uncomfortable glare is controlled by the color of the lens tint and the degree of the lens, and reflected glare is controlled with polarized lenses. Polarized glasses reduce glare from water, snow, and wet roads, so they are very useful for skies, boat riders, and fishermen. They are available in transition colors, brown, grey, and green, as well as dual focus, multifocal and bifocal designs.
How to use trifocal, bifocal glasses?
When you receive your trifocal glasses, ask your eyewear dealer or optometrist to choose the right glasses and guide you on how to use them properly.
Be sure to discuss the pros and cons of certain types of trifocal or bifocal vision correction with your eyewear dealer optometrist to ensure that the type of lens you choose is the most suitable for your vision and lifestyle.
Wear trifocals at all times.
Adjust your trifocals so that they fit snugly against your nose and you can see through them as intended.
When you walk, look forward, not down.
Find a comfortable distance to hold your task or reading material and do not move it while reading.
Final Words
Progressive, custom made, Bifocal and trifocal glasses are available for presbyopia correction and for workers. The choice depends on your need. You can read about the pros and cons of all glasses above and consult with your ophthalmologist to determine the best occupational glasses for your lifestyle. Bifocals provide superior general vision correction with additional magnification for near viewing. Trifocals have special optics for medium, close, and long-range. Progressive glasses offer accurate and continuous correction at all distances from near too far. If you need multifocal lenses or bifocal, trifocals, Glazzers offers a variety of prescription glasses and coatings to ensure you have crystal clear vision throughout your life. Please contact us by clicking here for any questions. Thank you.